Hodiamont Greenway
Grand Center to Gwen Giles Park
Great Rivers Greenway is working with community members, stakeholders, and the City of St. Louis to plan, design, and construct a 3.5 mile greenway on St. Louis’s near north side, stretching from the Grand Center District on the east to Gwen Giles Park on the west. The planned route follows the right-of-way once occupied by the Hodiamont streetcar line (also known as the Suburban Tracks), with potential connections to the St. Vincent, Centennial, and Brickline Greenways. Along the way, the corridor travels through seven different neighborhoods including Covenant Blu-Grand Center, Vandeventer, Lewis Place, Fountain Park, Academy-Sherman Park, Visitation Park and the West End.
DTLS heads up a diverse design team centered around Great Rivers Greenway’s approach of Ask, Align, Act – asking the community which design solutions are desirable and appropriate, aligning the expectations and aspirations of a diverse constituency, and acting on agreed-upon intentions in order to produce positive, equitable outcomes. The result of this approach is a community-led design process whereby engagement and design teams are constantly working in tandem to ensure community direction and feedback are driving the development of solutions.
A Concept Plan for the greenway was completed in 2021, embodying the community’s vision for how the proposed greenway should look and feel, setting the stage for current and ongoing detailed design and engineering.
Great Rivers Greenway
City of St. Louis
Vector Communications
Kivindyo Engineering Services (KES)
Engineering Design Source, Inc. (EDSI)
Conversions Global Marketing
St. Louis Association of Community Organizations (SLACO)
Creativity In Engagement Merit Award - ASLA Saint Louis, 2020
“It is beautiful…We have all grown closer throughout this process and we can thank GRG for that. We’ve always been neighbors and friends, but this process has really brought us closer. We coordinate with one another before doing things. It’s taken us out of our silos.”
Lisa Potts, West End Neighborhood
Photography by Great Rivers Greenway