Public Realm Design Standards

Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University Medical Center

The vision of the Washington University Medical Campus (WUMC) Renewal Project is to provide world-class facilities in support of world-class medicine.  This vision and the guiding principles which support it are driving the design of the public realm.  The public realm is the connective tissue between the many entities which occupy the campus, and its design is fundamental to the campus being understood as the collaborative entity it is.  As part of the Campus Renewal design team, DTLS has led the development of a Design Manual which applies the project vision to exterior spaces with a focus on People, Place, and Performance:

The WUMC Campus Renewal Public Realm Design Standards establish a framework by which future streetscape improvement projects may support a patient- and family-centered atmosphere by providing a welcoming, accessible, comfortable, and safe outdoor environment which complements the world-class clinical and research facilities.

The design of the public realm shall present a unified, legible, connected, and orderly campus with a strong sense of identity.  Exterior design and material choices support intuitive navigation and work together with the building architecture to achieve a distinctive sense of place.

Appropriate site design promotes healthy patient outcomes by providing flexibility and multi-modal usability. It encourages positive interactions between patients, visitors and staff, as well as the smooth flow of materials and supplies.  And it does so efficiently, utilizing low-impact, fiscally responsible strategies.

The Design Manual documents the Phase 1 Campus Renewal public realm improvements for North Campus which were implemented in 2017.  It is intended to serve as a resource for future projects and be expanded upon as other streets are completed.


BJC HealthCare
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis Children’s Hospital
Washington University School of Medicine
GLASPER Professional Services
Jeffrey L. Bruce & Company, LLC
Reed Burkett Lighting Design, Inc.

“Our goal is to bring people together in ways they haven’t connected before and to make our campus more inviting for visitors, patients, students and employees”

Melissa Hopkins - Assistant Vice Chancellor, Washington University School of Medicine